There is one genre of books that I haven't mentioned here before. The light reads that you use to interface between strings of serious or attention seeking books, the equivalent of watching a gen pastime movie, Chick-Lit.
I discovered Sophie Kinsella (pseudonym of Madeleine Wickham), Mariam Keyes and (as an afterhtought) Susan Lewis sometime last year. At around the same time I read some of the same genre by Indian writers, 'Almost Single' by Advaita Kala, 'The Village Bride of beverly Hills' by Kavita Daswami. I like the ones by Kinsella and the one ('The Other Side of the Story') by Keyes much better than the Indian ones - maybe cos I dont mind western stereotypes. Also read 'The Choice' by Nicholas Sparks sometime back. It cant be classified strictly as Chick-Lit, maybe a separate post would do it justice.

Read 'Cocktails for Three' by Madeleine Wickam a couple of months back. Though Wickham (as Kinsella) is famous for the Shopaholic series, I've read only the ones out of the series (Can you Keep a Secret?, Remember Me?, The Undomestic Goddess) and enjoyed them.
'Cocktails for Three' was my first of the Wickham ones, the ones she wrote much earlier. And the writing showed it. The story is about Maggie, Roxanne and Candice three successful women who meet on the first of every month at a bar to bond over some cocktails. The story covers crucial, testing phases in each of their lives - pregnancy, love, ghosts from the past...Chatty, funny and a nice read but it comes nowhere near the three Kinsellas that I've read.
Well here's to Chick-Lit, may they rarely be read and when read prove to be very comforting!
I discovered Sophie Kinsella (pseudonym of Madeleine Wickham), Mariam Keyes and (as an afterhtought) Susan Lewis sometime last year. At around the same time I read some of the same genre by Indian writers, 'Almost Single' by Advaita Kala, 'The Village Bride of beverly Hills' by Kavita Daswami. I like the ones by Kinsella and the one ('The Other Side of the Story') by Keyes much better than the Indian ones - maybe cos I dont mind western stereotypes. Also read 'The Choice' by Nicholas Sparks sometime back. It cant be classified strictly as Chick-Lit, maybe a separate post would do it justice.

Read 'Cocktails for Three' by Madeleine Wickam a couple of months back. Though Wickham (as Kinsella) is famous for the Shopaholic series, I've read only the ones out of the series (Can you Keep a Secret?, Remember Me?, The Undomestic Goddess) and enjoyed them.
'Cocktails for Three' was my first of the Wickham ones, the ones she wrote much earlier. And the writing showed it. The story is about Maggie, Roxanne and Candice three successful women who meet on the first of every month at a bar to bond over some cocktails. The story covers crucial, testing phases in each of their lives - pregnancy, love, ghosts from the past...Chatty, funny and a nice read but it comes nowhere near the three Kinsellas that I've read.
Well here's to Chick-Lit, may they rarely be read and when read prove to be very comforting!
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