A few days back I read Jules Verne's Journey to the Center of the Earth which was written in French, originally published in 1864. Apparently, there are many English translations varying in the narrative and even the character names (in the version I read, published by TOR, pages 258, the nephew's name is Harry)

However I found the translation testing my patience many a time especially the parts where Harry introspects, worries about his plight (ever so often). The narration here left much to be desired, was disconnected and dull. Curiosity and a mood to indulge in the author's imagination propelled me through to the end. I did enjoy the voyage to Iceland; learn't of it's capital Reykjavík, of its simple, laid back and educated people, of eiderdown hunters; the giants at the center, the volcano ride..
This would make for an enjoyable read for young adults and the original work in French (or a t least a better translation) would be the one to read in order to appreciate the state of science, discovery and invention in Europe about 150 years ago. Maybe I'll learn to read it one of these days. I'll definitely keep an eye open for a better translation of Verne's other works.
I'd read this when I was a kid and enjoyed it. I just saw the movie though and don't think I'd like it now. The story is just too unrealistic for my taste.
You are right though, the translation can make all the difference in the world.
True, it really is a book for kids, or one to be read when in an indulging mood.
Should check out some of Verne's other works though..
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